Find your fit.

My Services


  • Telehealth or in-person

  • Includes initial diagnostic evaluation to inform therapy, individual therapy, family therapy, or parent coaching.

  • I am flexible about providing care within the scope and frequency that is right for you, from weekly to as needed, depending on availability and fit with your treatment plan.

53- 60 mins |  $200  


  • Telehealth or in-person

  • For individuals who would like to get information from a professional with expertise in clinical and developmental psychology but are not sure they wish to initiate treatment at this time. This does not include therapy but we can certainly talk about whether therapy could be helpful.

  • I am happy to consult with other professionals as well (therapists, teachers)

  • As needed.

45 - 60 mins |  $150  

My approach:

  • My four year old niece once told me, “You’re a grown-up, but you still know how to play!” I think she was probably being over-generous- but it’s the highest praise she could have given me. I strive to flexibly meet your child where they are and learn the “landscape” of the inner and outer worlds they are navigating. No childhood is perfect, and it can be a lot to feel. Growing up can be exciting, but it is also hard work. I hope provide a safe, healing space where your child can more clearly and confidently access their own wisdom.

  • “How do I help her grow to be as happy and confident as possible in this complicated world?”

    “How can I help him relate in a healthy way to the full range of emotions that come with a meaningful life?”

    As a clinical and developmental psychologist and a mom, I have wrestled with some of the same questions. You have a hard, important job. I see parents as whole people, on their own journey. The experiences parents have had in their own childhood can echo in all kinds of ways and situations through their lives. Children sometimes unknowingly stand on the bruises of our childhood, surprising us. “Connection before correction” is a bit of a buzz-phrase these days, and I think it should be applied to parents, too. Parents are managing so much more than their children know. I believe that every person is doing their best and also has an extraordinary capacity for further healing and growth throughout their life.

  • “Is this ‘normal?’”

    “Is what I’m doing helping them learn what they need to in this situation?”

    “Is it supposed to be this hard?”

    I welcome your questions, whether or not you are ready to start therapy. Descriptively typical or “normal” developmental processes and behaviors can still be baffling and challenging for the whole family. Any life transitions, even positive ones, can be overwhelming and disruptive. I believe you shouldn’t have to put a label on something or wait until you are dealing with a bigger problem before you reach out for help, support or information. I value prevention and education just as much as solving problems. For this reason, I am happy to meet up with you, meet your child, and just talk. I call these “consultation” sessions, but what it really means is, you can share what’s been on your mind and get feedback from a clinical and developmental psychologist, without any strings attached. I won’t be looking to formally “diagnose” your child or push you toward making changes you might not be ready for. We can talk about whether therapy would be helpful for you if that is part of what you are questioning, but that is not my agenda. I’m here beside you to give any information or advice that might help you.

    I am also happy to consult with other professionals! Teachers, other therapists, all are welcome. For example, if you don’t usually see children but find yourself with a child on your caseload- or if your client is a parent and you want to know how to help- I am happy to consult.

    Note: fee for consultation is $150 for 45-60 minutes. Because we are not assigning diagnosis, this would likely not be eligible for reimbursement through insurance out-of-network benefits.

Insurance Reimbursement

So I can be the best therapist I can be for you, I have decided not to participate with any public or private insurance plans. This means I do not process claims or deal with collections from insurers. 

However, most insurance policies have "out-of-network" benefit plans which will reimburse you directly for some portion of my fees. At your request, I will provide you with itemized statements (called “Superbills”) which contain information including your diagnosis, CPT codes and payment info so that you can file your own claims. You are encouraged to contact your insurance company to determine if it provides benefits for out-of-network outpatient mental health treatment and what it will cover. Be sure to ask about relevant deductibles, requirements for pre-authorization, and/or policies about telehealth services, if applicable.

Services I Do Not Provide

  • Treatment, evaluations, opinions, or testimony for court or mandated purposes (custody or parenting, competency, legal issues, therapy mandated by Children and Youth Services, parole, or disability claims)

  • Couples Counseling

  • Comprehensive, formal psychological or psychoeducational evaluations, including testing to rule out autism spectrum disorder, or learning disabilities

  • Evaluation or letters regarding appropriateness of emotional support animals

Things to Know

  • In-person therapy is so important and, for some goals, definitely the best way to go. However, therapy via video sessions or “telehealth” can be as effective as in-person sessions under some circumstances, and offer added benefits in terms of convenience and saving time and cost of travel.


    “He/she isn’t like this at home…”

    Telehealth can offer a unique opportunity to observe children in their home context where they may be most comfortable, and provide parents with coaching in real-time in the setting in which the challenging behavior or symptoms actually occur.

    “How are we supposed to talk?” Because it is hard (sometimes impossible) to simultaneously manage children’s behavior, self-disclose vulnerable information, or learn and retain new information, in a strange setting... some “grown up to grown up” work in therapy may be easier to conduct when your child is able to play with their own toys in their own space, possibly with another caregiver at home as well to cover you, so you can relax and focus.

    Putting Responsibility for Therapy into Teens’ own Hands

    Telehealth can afford adolescents the opportunity to take ownership of their own therapy and schedule in a manner that suits their life (e.g., in a private place at school or in their car during a free period)— not dependent on parents’ availability for transport. This can be very empowering.

    Giving Grace

    Telehealth can make therapy workable for families with multiple children, where the possibility of one child’s illness or coordinating multiple schedules can make getting to appointments and securing supervision of siblings a challenge (sometimes, on short notice).

    For all these reasons, I have the option to use a secure, HIPAA compliant platform to connect you directly to me in the comfort of your home.

    * Note: you must be located in Maryland or Pennsylvania during the telehealth session, where I am licensed. I am not allowed to conduct telehealth with a client if they are present in any other state.

  • You will need a secure internet connection and desktop or laptop computer with a webcam and speakers, or Smartphone or Tablet (must download Telehealth by Simple Practice - available for free for IOS or Android in the app store)

    For computer/laptop:

    1. ~ 10 minutes before your appointment, you should receive either an email or SMS text appointment reminder.

    2. Click the unique link embedded in the reminder. Your video call screen will now open in new tab, OR you may have to copy and paste the link into browser.

    3. If I have already joined the call, you will see my face on the screen. If I have not, you will see yourself.

    4. You will see the Welcome prompt. You may click Play test sound to test your camera and microphone settings.

    5. When you are ready, click Join Video Call. This will take you straight into the video call.

    For mobile device:

    1. Download Telehealth by SimplePractice as described above

    2. Open the reminder on your mobile device, and click the unique link to open app.

    See steps 3-5 above

  • No charge for brief phone check-ins of 5-10 minutes when needed

    No charge for brief, basic letters (diagnosis, dates seen, request for 504 or IEP)

    Phone consultations of more than 10 minutes, letter or report writing, any other paperwork, participation in meetings, or other services will be billed at hourly rate ($200/hr in 15 min increments)

    Records Request - $15 (plus $0.75 per page and postage)

    Any Legal Involvement (strongly discouraged) - $300 per hour and $2500 retainer 

  • Missed appointments are charged at a rate of $100 per session; late cancellations, at a rate of $50 per session (except in case of illness or emergency).

    I understand life can be messy, so each family has one “free pass” for a late cancellation that they can use per year.

    Please stay on the premises and be available to participate with your child at any point should that be indicated for the appointment.

    You may call 410-205-6031 if you need to cancel an appointment.

    If a pattern of frequent late-cancels or missed appointments becomes clear, I may be in touch to discuss discontinuing therapy if this isn’t the time.

  • If you are planning to pay out of pocket instead of applying for reimbursement to your insurance, you are entitled to a “good faith estimate” so that you can better understand the likely cost to you of our work together. This will be included in your initial intake forms through our online portal. Please feel free to bring me any questions you have including if you have not received this good faith estimate and think you should have. This information is also briefly summarized below.

    A “Good Faith Estimate” explains approximately how much your therapy will cost. You are welcome to save a copy or picture of your Good Faith Estimate. If you receive a bill that is at least $400 more than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill

    For questions or more information about your right to a Good Faith Estimate, visit or 1-800 985-3059.  

    Clients generally come to therapy for 5-15 sessions, but this varies significantly depending on your needs, resources and goals. I am happy to provide care within a scope that works for you at this time.

    Consultation: (Non-therapy): 45-60 minutes, $150

    First Session/Diagnostic Interview (CPT Code 90791- 60 minutes) : $200

    Individual Therapy (CPT Code 90834): 53-60 minutes: $200

    Family Therapy with Pt (CPT Code 90847): 45-60 minutes $200

    Family Therapy without Pt (Parent Only / Parent Support: CPT Code Code 90846): 45-60 minutes $200

    Although they are not scheduled this way, sessions that for some reason are significantly shorter (e.g., due to very late arrival) will have a lower proportional cost.

    Based on these rates, at $200 per session, cost could vary, for example, from $1000 (5 sessions) to $3,000 (15 sessions)

    I am unable to determine diagnosis and number of sessions that will be needed immediately, but I will be glad to address questions about diagnosis and likely length of treatment once I have had a chance to begin working with you and get to know you.

    The Good Faith Estimate does not include any unknown or unexpected costs that may arise during treatment. You could be charged more if complications or special circumstances occur. If this happens, federal law allows you to dispute (appeal) the bill.

    The Good Faith Estimate is not a contract and does not require a patient who is uninsured (or self-paying for services) to obtain the items or services from any of the providers or facilities identified in the good faith estimate.

    If you are billed for more than this Good Faith Estimate, you have the right to dispute the bill. You may contact the health care provider or facility listed to let them know the billed charges are higher than the Good Faith Estimate. You can ask them to update the bill to match the Good Faith Estimate, ask to negotiate the bill, or ask if there is financial assistance available.

    You may also start a dispute resolution process with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). If you choose to use the dispute resolution  process, you must start the dispute process within 120 calendar days (about 4 months) of the date on the original bill.

    There is a $25 fee to use the dispute process. If the agency reviewing your dispute agrees with you, you will have to pay the price on this Good Faith Estimate. If the agency disagrees with you and agrees with the health care provider or facility, you will have to pay the higher amount.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.